
Latin American Baby Boomers Drive Market Growth

Here’s another plug for pursuing business in Latin America: the Nielsen Company recently analyzed the demographics of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and estimates that people age 50+ currently make up 19% of the population. But that number will rise to 26% by 2025 and 38% by 2050.

The aging population, when combined with overall larger households in South America, and growing middle classes in these democratic societies signal healthy growth for US manufacturers and retailers.

A recent Nitty Gritty Marketing blog post noted that the rate of recovery from the global recession in these and other Latin American nations is outpacing that of the European Union.

Brazil’s 7% GDP growth rate expected in 2010-2011 is on a par with China and India. These BRIC nations contain the world’s fastest-growing and largest middle classes.

Read more at nielsenwire, The Nielsen Company’s blog site. Go South!

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