Let’s do the LocalGovCamp again

Photo by Mark Braggins.

Photo by Mark Braggins.

It’s probably about time we sorted LocalGovCamp out again!

For various reasons it’s going to be running after the summer rather than before, as has previously been the case.

So, the two potential dates are 21st or 28th September. Let me know if you feel strongly one way or another in the comments.

Location will be Birmingham as usual, although I am on the lookout for another (cheaper) venue than Maple House, which rather busted the budget last year and made the vein on the side of my forehead swell to an unpleasant degree.

It will be an interesting time to run the event, as cuts bite deeper into local authority budgets. I’m hoping there will be some discussion about how digital can help councils deliver better services for less, and also how we can tackle some of the digital inclusion issues that will emerge around welfare reform.

As always, I’ll be on the lookout for sponsors once I have an idea around costs – the usual benefactors will get an email soon, but if anyone new wants to chip in, just let me know. An Eventbrite page will be up once the details are all confirmed.

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