Registration of the the Internet domain name by the Library of Congress appears to be complete, according to the domain name registration record in the WHOIS database of .gov domain names published by U.S. General Services Administration Office of Integrated Technology Services (OITS).
To display the record, go to the OITS WHOIS database site. In the “Lookup” box, in the space immediately below “Search the database:” enter and click “Go.”
Finalization of the registration of the domain name by the Library appears to have been mentioned by Roberta I. Shaffer, The Law Librarian of Congress, in her 10 July 2010 presentation at the American Association of Law Libraries’ Annual Meeting held in Denver, Colorado, according to a Twitter post by a librarian who attended the presentation.
The Library announced its intention to register the domain name in January 2010.
The domain name is also frequently mentioned in connection with the legal open government data project. The Law Library of Congress has issued a public statement respecting the Library’s relationship to the project.
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