#localgovchat Special Guest: Kevin Curry @kmcurry to discuss @citycamp and plans of worldwide domination. Tonight at 9EDT

Tonight we are excited to have Kevin Curry, creator of City Camp, which in recent weeks has gone all mature and organized on us and the format is now sprouting up all over the world. So please join us tonight at 9 pm EST on #localgovchat where we’ll be discussing the new website and why Kevin – and so many others – believe so strongly in this format and how it could help your city, town, village, etc.

I love this quote from a recent post regarding the four goals (Stimulate, Participate, Collaborate, Repeat) of :

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In thinking about what describes the essence of CityCamp, including the 4 Goals, I’ve realized that most important to me, personally, is the 4th Goal: Create outcomes that participants will act upon after the event is over. I want to witness conversations converted into actions. That seems like a tremendous task given a relative lack of awareness and understanding of Gov 2.0 at the local level among anyone but early adopters in big, urban markets.

Too often you send a few stars to a conference and they come back with a few ideas that end up getting lost in the day-to-day grind. The focus on outcomes and getting things done at the local, resource-strapped level is the reason we started #localgovchat in the first place. So please come join us and @kmcurry tonight at 9 EST.

Post first appeared on localgovchat.

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