Make a Change By Serving Others

Who else gets reenergized listening to music? Music drives my soul. Don’t take it from me. Plato said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”

Right now, our world is chaotic and disconcerting. In 2019, the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reported that one in five adults experience mental illness. Mental health experts recognize 2020’s numbers will be higher due to COVID-19 and other issues. People are truly hurting. As humans and government leaders and employees, we must hear the call and do our best to serve those in need.

Today, I listened and watched a YouTube video of Michael Jackson’s “The Man in the Mirror.” This wasn’t just a fluke – this song, since its release in November 1988, resonates with me. And, yes, I am an ‘80s teen/adult; so, I’m getting up there in years!!

Personally, I think some of the greatest songs came out in the ’80s. We won’t discuss 80’s fashion, but if you’ve ever really listened to “The Man in the Mirror” lyrics, it screams servant leadership and serving others! Here are a couple of lines :

“A willow deeply scarred, somebody’s broken heart and a washed-out dream. They follow the pattern of the wind ya’ see ‘cause they got no place to be. That’s why I’m starting with me. I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways. And, no message could’ve been any clearer – if you want to make the world a better place, take look at yourself and then make that Change!”

What does servant leadership really mean? How do I lead and live that way?

It’s so simple. Be the leader or person you needed on your worst day. Be the leader or person who just listened when someone needed to vent. Be the leader or person who reaches out when you hear that someone’s voice isn’t quite right on the phone or Zoom meeting. There are so many resources about servant leadership; I want to share a quick list I found on Google that hit home for me. This is from

  • Have a serve-first mindset in all you do
  • Build trust by doing what you said you would
  • Live your values at work
  • Make sure to listen to understand
  • Focus on thinking about your thinking
  • Be a leader who knows it’s important to add value to others
  • Servant leadership needs you to demonstrate courage
  • Spread your influence
  • Live your transformation

I became a servant leader believer in 2003. The impact on me, my life, my relationships and my career are enhanced because I strive to look outside of myself and help others. The relationships in your life – work or home – will be greater if you just take a look in the mirror and truly lead from the heart and serve others.

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Rebecca (Becky) Mack Johnson’s government career spans almost 34 years. She’s been an SES executive for over 15 years. Her leadership experiences range from business operations’ positions to the human capital side of the house. Becky’s passion centers around helping people grow and achieve their goals. Becky considers receiving the Treasury Department’s Leadership Legacy Award in 2017 as one of her greatest accomplishments. Becky believes continual learning is essential. To practice what she preaches, Becky completed her Masters Degree in Strategic Public Relations in her early 40s. She is also an International Coaching Federation ACC certified coach and a Project Management Professional.

Photo by LeeAnn Cline on Unsplash

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