Metrolink (CA) will be adding quiet cars starting on October 3 to help commuters enjoy a “noise-free commute.” “Our new quiet cars will make the commute on Metrolink trains even more enjoyable for those, like myself, who prefer a more peaceful commute,” said board chairman Richard Katz in a statement. “Some of our passengers prefer to socialize or do business on the train. We encourage that – just not on the new quiet cars.” The second car away from the locomotive will be the designated quiet car on each weekday train. Passengers will be asked to refrain from loud talking and to disable the audio on their electronic devices.
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I ride MARC’s guiet car daily. Those 30 minutes of sleep or reading are great! However I don’t see how a short metro ride will merit walking up and down the train to enter the quiet car. I’m happy I get on the metro at all.