Mississippi Gov. Bryant previews ambitious goals in annual state of the state address

Deltek Senior Analyst Kyle Ridley reports.

Just two weeks after being sworn in as the 64th Governor of Mississippi, Phil Bryant delivered his 2012 state of the state address. In his speech, Bryant set forth a robust and ambitious agenda for helping his state thrive in the years ahead. From employment, energy, transportation, health care, and education, Bryant’s initiatives run the gamut of government verticals, all in hopes of boosting Mississippi’s economic landscape and bettering the lives of its citizens.

The main objective: Employment
As is the case in many states battling unemployment, Bryant said his top priority is to “make sure every Mississippian has a job.” To get the jobs ball rolling, Bryant is proposing a package to the state legislature known as the Mississippi Works Agenda. He plans to have the Mississippi Department of Education, the Department of Employment Security, and state community colleges work together to launch a workforce training program that students at risk of dropping out can enroll in to learn marketable workforce skills.
Bryant also plans to expand state business with the Mississippi Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act, which will authorize a review committee to oversee regulations in state agencies to determine whether or not current functions are stunting job growth.
Energy initiatives
Parallel with Bryant’s economic development and regulation initiatives is a strong focus on natural resources and the environment. The governor touted Mississippi as a “leader in the energy economy,” and said its innovative approach to power sourcing will spur great success in the 21st century. Bryant is proposing the Energy Sustainability and Development Act of 2012 to create incentives to employers who generate savings through energy-efficient upgrades.
For the complete blog, go here.

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