Monitoring Algae With Satellites, Justice May Take Action Against Facilities Used In Cyber Attacks, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:

  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is using satellite imagery to monitor harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie’s western basin as part of a new pilot program. More here.
  • The Department of Justice may put cybersecurity experts into department offices to take legal action against computer facilities used in cyber attacks. More here.
  • The Government Accountability Office found that the Air Force did not fully consider costs of its virtual training program and did not designate an organization accountable for achieving results. More here.
  • The Secret Service is seeking a commercial portal to access the National Crime Information Center and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System. More here.
  • The Departments of Homeland Security and Energy are collaborating on the Smart Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security or SPIDERS program to demonstrate power microgrids with cybersecurity built in. More here.

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