
More DC Area Big Data User Groups

Last week we made mention of the Washington DC Area Hadoop Users Group (HUG). This is a great group of community minded people who meet to exchange lessons learned and dialog on interested technologies. There are others groups in the DC area that work similar topics and we learned more about them in replies to that post.

The following are two of note plus the description they have on their meetup.com sites:

The Big Data Meetup Group: http://www.meetup.com/bigdatadc/

Come join us for regular technical discussion in the areas of large scale data processing and analytics. We’re open to all topics related to “big data” — distributed algorithms, machine learning, probabilistic data structures, performance and reliability. The focus will be on the practical solutions to real world big data problems rather than just a single processing or storage platform. The format will typically be two presenters with ample time for discussion and questions. Everybody is welcome to come and share their experience or just listen to others share theirs. We will keep the S/N ratio as high as possible and focus on technical discussions rather than marketing hype (or FUD).

The Data Science DC Group: http://www.meetup.com/Data-Science-DC/

Data Science DC is a non-profit professional group that meets monthly to discuss diverse topics in predictive analytics, applied machine learning, statistical modeling, open data, and data visualization. Our members are professionals, students, and others with a deep interest in these fields and related technologies. Meeting topics are varied and range from tutorials on basic concepts and their applications, to success stories from local practitioners, to discussions of tools, new technologies, and best practices. All are welcome — to attend, to meet others, and to present their work!

Note: since these groups are made up of people who are involved out of attraction to ideas, they are by no means mutually exclusive. There is quite a bit of overlap among members. To decide which ones you will engage with I recommend signing up at each meetup site and then tracking agendas. Attend the ones you feel an affinity towards. And, since these are community driven/supported groups, if you have ideas for topics to discuss use those groups to spread them around and pull together your own event. If you are running a Big Data related event please let me know and if it is a strategic fit with what our readers are looking for I’d love to help spread the word. Posts we do here are provided to our blog at CTOvision.com plus several other sites and are then turned around in our weekly Government Big Data Newsletter. So please let us know if there is something we should spread the word on.

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