Earlier, Recorded Future used their visualization and analysis tools to create interactive streams for monitoring the crises in Beghazi and Cairo, where U.S. Embassies were stormed by rioters and four Americans killed in an attack including the Ambassador to Libya. Their service creates an index of past, present, and predicted events from over 150,000 online sources and provides visualization tools to help analysts harness the predictive power of the web. Due to the positive response they got from users who found the tool helpful in managing and understanding these situations, Recorded Future put out more resources through their Analyst Intelligence blog.
First, they analyzed the possible attackers in Libya, an Al Qaeda offshoot active in Benghazi. Here is a network map of Ansar al-Sharia, reported to be linked to the attack:
In another post, Recorded Future provided analysis and visualization on the signs of unrest leading to the attacks in Cairo and Benghazi. Here is their timeline of events in Egypt (interactive view) reported prior to protests on September 11, 2012:
And here are the protests events in Libya (interactive view) taking place in the two weeks prior to the consulate attack.
Recorded Future also tracked the spread of protests live, displaying current and planned protest events. Here is their map of protests in major Middle East and North African countries:
You can play with Recorded Future’s capabilities yourself to build your own timelines, visuals, and forecasts with a free trial from their website, which will also provide free training. For more Recorded Future analysis of the current Middle East and North African unrest, follow their blog, Analyst Intelligence.

This post by AlexOlesker was first published at CTOvision.com.
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