More on Social Media

I’ve been kinda slack in posting updates to my blog, but thought I’d share this news item from the Charlotte (NC) Observer. (This is not meant as a slight to my City of Charlotte counterparts.)

My guess is City Council and County Commission members may now get engaged in a discussion on the differing approaches. We’ll see…

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Joey White

“…big boy pants and aligator skins…” Nice!

I wonder how much the tide will turn as new elected officials come from campaigns that use social media to spread their message. As they see social media’s positive effect in their own campaigns, I would think it would be apparent to them how social media can also be positively used by government to spread information.

Adriel Hampton

Love your quotes in the story, Brian. And that the comments on the newspaper site totally devolve. Identity management makes a big difference, which is why Facebook is so much more than AOL was.