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One of our clients swears the best thing I ever told him was to make a meeting before a scheduled meeting and make one after.
As long as you’re in the building/neighborhood/country plan another stop.
That means you need a stop-by rationale, tools, and research. However the meetings that create a favorable result are easy to remember.
When job hunting, a fruitful tactic once you have found an opportunity you like, is to locate a half dozen similar organizations and present a similar concept. They usually aren’t as far along in developing the opportunity, but your competition is sparse, too.
Software development and consulting, the biggest cost is creating the first copy. Margins are real high on copies.
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SalesLab’s Rainmaker series returns to the Capital Technology Management Hub, Tuesday, September 13th with 300 seconds of Mark Your Territory. The featured CTMH speaker will be Professor Steve Gladis, author of The Agile Leader. Come join us!

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