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My 5 Take Aways From the NGG Summit


What a fun packed two day event!! It didn’t even FEEL like work 😉

First off, thank you Steve and the rest of govloop for my attendance to the summit!!! It was everything and more that I was looking for; I’m so grateful to have been apart of it!

Second, I met some way cool, AWESOME people! Some of who were from Canada, who knew? And I’m saying it again, TSA’s and GSA’s presence at the summit reminded me of rabbits— they were everywhere!! No matter the reasons for their participation it’s great to see an agency WANT to send folks to this conference and actually seek out this event for them to go to. This truly speaks to the mad skillz of govloopies spreading the word and encouraging support.

Third, wow. Can I volunteer now for the next event? I’ve helped to create DON’s HR Conference where we had 300+ attendees worldwide— so I say that to exemplify my understanding and appreciation for a lot of the work that happened behind the scenes! It takes many to accomplish a two day event!! And with my interest and skills in workforce development I believe I can help make meaningful breakouts sessions. Not to say the ones I attended these past two days weren’t meaningful! I just see future potential and would love to help out where I can!!

Fourth, I know I networked my butt off and I personally can’t wait to check my minglestick results!! Slightly intimate, slightly competitive sport– but such a cool concept!! I can’t wait to bring this back to DON. Not to mention I cannot wait to follow up with my hip contacts. And I’ll put this out there as well…if we didn’t minglestick, HIT ME UP!

Fifth (and certainly not finally), I realized that with my short experiences with the federal government (4 years)– I actually have something to offer others. I came to the conference expecting to get something. I left the conference realizing that I had more to offer than I realized. I’m in HR and my work is involved with every action within an organization (hiring, placement, employee relations, strategic planning, benefits, etc)– do you have a current vacancy and did you consider all the available hiring authorities?; my interests are in workforce development & training and I’m eager to hear about others’ experiences with intern programs and how they came into the government–but also suggest ways to navigate their way through their organization; and I see myself as a leader and a good take-away fpr me was that as a leader it is important to help your team succeed. Your success is their success. Ditto NGG Summit. Ditto on it all.

I’m sure more epiphanies will occur as the awesomeness (my attribute to Steve) seeps in and I’m able to share it with my co-workers tomorrow.

What about you? How was your experience? Your top 5 take aways? Did we meet up?

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Heather Coleman

My experience was fantastic. I’m still trying to let it all sink in and hope to start following up with all of the great contacts I made. I’ve got several pages of notes to go through too. We didn’t get a chance to meet up, but expect a friend request coming your way!