In his crossnational analysis of the impact of online citizen participation on local government decision-making, Jensen (2008: 25) has reported that the network society is lagging when it comes to citizen participation in policy decision-making. (n=348 elected local government officials in 316 randomly selected municipalities in the United States). Check his full paper.*
Dr D.C.Misra
October 29, 2008
Jensen, M. J. (2008): The Internet and Influence: A Crossnational Analysis of the Impact of Online Citizen Participation on Local Government Decision-Making, Irvine, CA, University of California, Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations (CRITO), Paper presented at the annual meeting of the APSA 2008 Annual Meeting, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts, (accessed: October 29, 2008).
Thanks so much for pointing to this research paper, Dr. Misra! When I visited that Center’s website, I discovered several interesting papers on technology in local government/public participation there. Thanks again! Nicole