Networking with a Purpose
Looking for a fix for what ails you, might be as close as a phone call to your family members, friends, or co-workers. Many times the solutions to your problems exist within your inner circles….Maybe now they can help you, and then later on your might be able to help or assist them. Sometimes the small business person must barter for services, in order to solve what seems like a mountain of a problem.
The first step in resolving any issue is to accurately identify the real problem, not just the symptom, once it is discovered. Many times, this first step can be a challenge, because of the inability to identify the real cause of the problem. To know that a problem exists, but uncertainty about where or what the problem actually is, can be quite a problem, in and of itself. This also can present a perfect opportunity to tap resources that are close at hand.
One of the hardest things for many people to do is ask for help… Especially for those of us that have built a reputation of being “self-made”. To find a way into the radar scope of individuals who are able to assist, can be as easy as telling people “What’s going on”. After telling people what’s going on, the next statement that should follow that declaration is: “I’m not quite sure of what to do”. Following that declaration with, “I’m open to suggestions”…
So remember the old adage,” two heads are better than one” so reach out and touch someone, and you might be surprised how simple a solution might be. Also remember to give as good as you get and to not abuse family members and friends. Networking with a purpose can be an inexpensive way to get your business started.
From the Desk of the President of CC Enterprises
Networking with a purpose – why do it any other way! Thanks, Craig.