
New Study Demonstrates Social Media’s Predictive Power for Gov’t

OhMyGov Inc. just announced the release of a new study which shows that Congressional Republicans are gaining public support on social media at significantly higher rates than their Democratic counterparts.

The study, which ran from May through August this year, examined the percent rate by which members of Congress were acquiring new Facebook fans in an effort to determine levels of public support for each party.

Significant findings of the study included:

  • Republicans showed an advantage over the summer months not just in overall fans but also in the rate of Facebook fan growth. Congressional Republicans increased in popularity at a rate 10% higher than that of Congressional Democrats.
  • That lead was even more pronounced in the House, where Republicans increased their fan base at nearly double the rate of House Democrats, with Republicans increasing by 49% to the Democrat’s 26% over the study period.
  • In region 3 (DE, DC, MD, WV, VA, and PA), public support for House Republicans increased at a rate over 105% faster than for Democrats in the House.
  • Republicans showed significantly faster increases in public support in four out of 10 federal regions, including key regions dominated by President Obama during his 2008 campaign.
  • Congressional Republicans hold more than twice as many Facebook fans (2.14M) as Democrats (953,000), despite holding a minority in Congress.
  • Senate Republicans increased their fan base only slightly faster (4% faster) than Senate Democrats.

The complete report may be found on http://ohmygov.com.

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