Nominate a DC Government Leader!

As you likely know, President Obama is calling on all citizens to become part of the solution to the challenges of our time and to help make America great by serving in our communities. As members of the DC community, we are fortunate to have countless examples of public servants who work towards the greater good of this unique city. These often unsung heroes uphold the public interest amidst competing interests, pressures, and demands. It is time to publicly recognize and celebrate their efforts!

The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation, in partnership with The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, is pleased to announce the launch of the nomination period for The 2010 Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Awards for Distinguished District of Columbia Employees. The awards recognize outstanding DC government employees whose performance exemplifies the best in public service. More specifically these individuals demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas by having:

• Solved an extraordinary problem or achieved a significantly difficult goal.
• Performed an outstanding act which brought positive recognition to the City.
• Successfully initiated and implemented an innovative idea that brought about dramatic results.
• Consistently achieved excellence in overall job performance that is “above and beyond the call of duty”.
• Demonstrated outstanding and inspirational leadership that dramatically improved employee morale and team spirit.

Any full-time employee of the District of Columbia government who is not serving as a Cabinet-level appointee or department deputy is eligible for an award. The employee must have at least five years of continuous employment with the District government. Volunteers, temporary, or contract workers are not eligible to participate. Teachers and principals are also not eligible.
Nominations for the Cafritz Awards are welcomed from citizens, community and business stakeholders, civic organizations, and government employees. Self-nominations are also encouraged. The five winners selected will receive a $7,500 cash award and be publicly honored at a gala event next summer.

We hope you share our enthusiasm about the awards program and will consider nominating a deserving candidate. Nominations will be accepted until December 11, 2009. For more information and to nominate someone who makes life better for the people of DC, visit

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