Nominations for the Arthur S. Flemming Award for Exceptional Service

Good Morning –

Forums and blogs on Govloop often focus on career folks who are using innovative technologies to move the federal government forward. Here is an opportunity to have those individuals and their work highlighted across the federal government.

The purpose of the Arthur S. Flemming Award in honoring outstanding career civil service men and women in the federal government and members of the armed services is four-fold:
* to recognize outstanding and meritorious achievement in working for the federal government,
* to encourage the highest standards of performance in the federal service,
* to enhance appreciation of our form of government,
* to attract outstanding individuals to a career in federal service.

The award is for individuals who have been in government for between 3 and 15 years and awards are given in three categories: Applied Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics; Basic Science, and Managerial or Legal Achievement.
for more information.

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