Quantify Your Work
Your storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to persuade the hiring official. Using numbers to tell your story of how you made those numbers work for you will give you the boost you may need.
Your storytelling is a powerful tool that can be used to persuade the hiring official. Using numbers to tell your story of how you made those numbers work for you will give you the boost you may need.
The best way to find out what citizens need is to ask them. In municipal government, we can do that in a variety of ways.
Communities are coming up with creative ways to deal with potholes.
It can be scary to think about open access to your vendors’ sensitive personal information. Get training, train your staff and even other internal employees that submit vendor documentation to you.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently collaborating with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to explore several deaths linked to the practice of vaping.
It is important for cities to understand and adopt intelligent automation to advance their smart cities strategy, or risk falling behind.
Communication is one of the most important aspects of leading. Great leaders must be sure they are speaking the same language as their employees. Learn how to ensure others understand what you are communicating.
Talking to two groups of community at different locations and seeing the results.
It takes courage to hire folks who disagree with you. It sounds crazy, but the proof of value is there.
Understanding the underlying “shape” of the data must be a first step for any policymaker, government leader, or executive. When it comes to crafting new laws that potentially impact millions, a little basic math goes a long way.