3 Tips for Talent Acquisition Strategy in Government
With a narrow talent pool, very specific IT needs, and stiff competition from the top STEM organizations, government agencies can struggle to recruit the right talent. Here’s some advice.
With a narrow talent pool, very specific IT needs, and stiff competition from the top STEM organizations, government agencies can struggle to recruit the right talent. Here’s some advice.
Thinking outside the normal and expected confines of our jobs isn’t easy to do. It takes deliberate actions and activities to open a pathway to true innovative thinking.
Podcasts require careful planning and attention to the needs of your audience. You must develop a template for consistency, invest in the proper hardware and find the software and hosting to suit your budget and needs
It only takes a misplaced apostrophe or incorrect word usage for a writer to lose credibility with an audience.
Agencies are starting to understand that their customers demand a great experience. While this may seem a challenge to put in place, there are many lessons learned from implementing a solid strategy.
If you fail to deploy high availability strategies for critical applications, it will result in a significant loss – either in downtime, data or your organization’s reputation.
Because most if not all data that government agencies use is spatial, GIS is a very effective civic engagement tool.
Creative Mornings provides fresh insight and spirited conversation for professionals of all backgrounds. With themes like community, chaos, honesty and intentionality, the message often challenges the way we view our work and ourselves.
If hosting international professionals at your agency is a new thing, keep these seven things in mind.
Halloween is nearly here. Don’t let choosing a Halloween costume scare you. There’s costume inspiration everywhere—including in government.