Cybersecurity Workforce

It’s the dawning of the age of the Cybersecurity workforce. Everyone seems to be jumping onboard the train as it heads out of the station, and we appear to have more than our fair share of conductors. On any given day it seems an article appears about the Cybersecurity workforce. Everything from the Department ofRead… Read more »

The next fuel alternative?

This video was made as a joke for a charity film festival. It got a lot of laughs but we were also hoping it would inspire someone to take this and run with it. On a daily basis my coworkers and I are alwasy trying to find innovative solutions to what seem like “wicked” problems.Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Hero Day

In celebration of Gov 2.0 Hero Day, I want to highlight a few visionary ROCKet stars at NASA: Robbie Schingler, Nick Skytland, Chris Kemp, Astronaut Mike Massimino, Astronaut and Innovator Ron Garan, and Sean Herron. Robbie Schingler: Chief of Staff, Office of Technology at NASA Headquarters. I met Robbie a few years ago in aRead… Read more »

Hybrid 2.0? How to leverage social media for emergency management and response.

For the past three years, I’ve been working in emergency management and social media. As I’ve been focused on leveraging social media tools and technology for use in emergency management and response, the world of Gov 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 has grown up all around me. Transparency and accountability are now synonymous with government activityRead… Read more »

Maternity Leave

As a retired federal mediator with the U S Equal Employment Oppotunity Commission, at least 30% of my mediations on a yearly basis dealt with maternity issues. The company would fire a person as soon as she told her boss that she was pregnant. I totally support paid maternity leave, just because someone goes onRead… Read more »

Performance Measurement Framework for government sites : now in beta

Here’s something I’m working on. Comments welcomed. Measuring government websites If you can’t see the presentation embedded above, view it on slideshare. Modified from original post on:

Dan Pink As You’ve Never Seen Him Before!

The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has a series called Animate using video communication tools to expand message. Thanks to Zach Yates for finding this video. Here is Dan Pink on Motivation in a new type of presentation:

10 points on the current situation in Russian Gov 2.0

My interview Government 2.0 in Russia: megabyte democracy – An interview with russian e-gov-expert Alena Popova was published this week. The author of the blog is Julia Talmazan. She lives in Vancouver and blogging about Russia, from the perspective of someone who was born in the USSR, but grew up in Canada. Thank you JulieRead… Read more »