Weekly Newsletter on Research and Best Practices

Resources 1. Modernizing Government: Overview and Next Steps (03/24/2010) – Results of a White House Forum to identify best practices in using technology to streamline federal operations, improve customer service, and maximize returns on technology investments. 2. Peopleandparticipation.net – UK portal for people who work in public, private and non-profit sectors, advice, case studies andRead… Read more »

Jennovation 1.0: Leveraging Innovation, Open Government, and Public-Private Partnerships to Create Public Value

Welcome to the first posting of the Jennovation blog series! As a featured blogger on Govloop, I will be posting every other Monday, beginning June 14, 2010, about my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). But how to these three—seemingly loosely connected subject areas—relate enough to justify being lumped together?Read… Read more »

Behind every great Community there are great Facilitators – The importance of The Facilitators Community for Scottish Local Government

The Communities of Practice (CoP) has over 1,300 UK communities and upward of 57,000 UK members, it is the largest collaborative platform for local government and so can be a daunting place for newcomers. If you begin your CoP journey as a community facilitator, however, this feeling of uncertainty is amplified as you have theRead… Read more »

Paid Maternity Leave

Take a look at an interesting article published by GovExec : http://www.govexec.com/mailbagDetails.cfm?aid=45458#comments-form-area What’s more interesting is the comments posted. Are we THAT heartless of a society that we don’t want to take care of our mothers in the workplace? As a mother, I am greatly offended by the lack of support for policy proposals thatRead… Read more »

DC Week: Data BBQ

Yesterday I attended the Data BBQ. The mix of people there was great, govies, privates and nonprofs. It was held at Insomniac Designs, really gorgeous office space with a fabulous roof top. Here are some photos/videos from the BBQ. More videos to come throughout the week! As you entered, everyone was asked to write theirRead… Read more »

Top 5: Risks for Using Social Media in the Organization

The paper and the article are talking primarily to the private sector but suspect there is a significant amount of relevance to the public sector as well 1. Introduction of viruses and malware to the organizational network 2. Exposure to customers and the enterprise through a fraudulent or hijacked corporate presence 3.Unclear or undefined contentRead… Read more »