Usability Tutorial: what is web usability and how do you measure it?

Cross-posted from: Originally created for Girl Geek Dinner in Ottawa, you can use this tutorial to start a discussion about how you can integrate usability principles into your website planning at your department or organization. Alternatively, re-use the prezi to create your own presentation. If you do, I’d love to know about it. TheRead… Read more »

2010 Australian Federal Election

OK. It’s an election year in Australia this year. If everyone’s vision of Gov 2.0 were a reality right now, how would Australia’s election be conducted? What would the relationship between citizens, government and political parties look like? What advice would you give to our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard or opposition leader Tony Abbott onRead… Read more »

2010 World Cup – USA vs. Ghana (The Big Stage) from the Hokie Guru, Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Get ready for the most important USA soccer match in decades, Govloopers!! Here are five things to watch for in the USA – Ghana matchup today. Clint Dempsey must be at his best today (and Landon Donovan will be the difference-maker)… I expect a very physical game this afternoon (game time is 2 PM EST)…Read… Read more »

Controlling the Invisible

Recently, I was engaged in a listserv conversation (remember those?) regarding the balance between standards-based enterprises and the need to engage creative talent who may bristle at standard processes. The conversation moved to the question of new processes and standards that respected the nature of complex organizations (rather than early 20th century bureaucracies), and IRead… Read more »

Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Celebration

As I type in the dark at 1:16 EST, there may be some typos. I am watching InSync and the Jacksons performance from the Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Celebration, I see a wealth of lessons here. Let’s start with the Jacksons performance of “I want you back” with the same energy, skill, togetherness, and joyRead… Read more »

Why Govt Websites Should Be Archived

This is a crosspost of Websites have become an integral part of every modern organization, including the government. Every day, a constant stream of information is being posted on the web. For government, every data published is considered as a Public Record, which by law should be retained and disclosed to the citizens, wheneverRead… Read more »

Real Live Misinformation In Action (Oil Spill Rumors)

I received a link to a youtube video today entitled “Kid with oil stuck on her! Destin Beach, FL.” As I watched the video, I sat in total surprise and horror as the videographer walked down the beach covered in bits of oil washing ashore while others sat and played on a normal summerRead… Read more »


All those who suffer from BAD LUCK syndrome, or are just interested in the phenomenon of whether BAD LUCK really does exist. Some people suffer from it more than others and they now have a place to go to share their thoughts, their experiences and/or their curiosity. A new website, is dedicated to exploringRead… Read more »

Plays well with others: the integration imperative for government document management software (part I)

During my government days, the most difficult decisions I had to make were which software packages to buy and which vendors to use. Why was this so difficult? We had so many pieces and parts already – at one point, I had six different databases covering my 50-person department. And each person had to learnRead… Read more »