Commerce Department’s EDA Grants Help Exporters Rebuild, Retool

Stepping up to aid Gulf Coast companies impacted by the BP oil spill, the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) consistently assists export companies in towns nationwide. An announcement by the Department of Commerce on June 18th detailed the release of eight grants for the Gulf region totaling $10.27 million – most forRead… Read more »

Do you “tweet” citizens in your city? Please share your story!

Do you use social digital networks to communicate with citizens in your city or county? Can citizens “tweet” you about unrepaired potholes or malfunctioning stop lights? I’m looking for local and state level government practitioners to share stories about how cities and counties are using applications like Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds and YouTube to communicateRead… Read more »

Attorney General Sentenced to Prison?

I couldn’t believe it when this tweet popped up: Was Texas Attorney General Jeffs sentenced to prison for sexually assaulting a child? Wait a minute… The Attorney General for Texas is Greg Abbott, not Abram Harker Jeffs. So, what’s going on here? If you look at the other tweets from, the Official State ofRead… Read more »

The digital divide in the age of Gov 2.0: another perspective

It might have different definitions, but a simple one by Bharat Mehra defines digital divide as “the troubling gap between those who use computers and the Internet and those who do not“. The term is usually incorporated in e-Government programas as a challenge need to be tackled to secure more up-take of government online servicesRead… Read more »

Attributes of the Social Ecosystem

The Social Ecosystem*. The Social Ecosystem provides a structure within which all types of organizations live and interact. This ecosystem is open and inclusive of both public and private organizations and remains independent of geography and language. You and I are in a great place. We are in a virtual room, looking at an emptyRead… Read more »

Red Hat Overhauls the Enterprise Software Stack (report from Red Hat Summit and JBoss World)

A few people expressed interest in this conference and asked me to report back on it. So here’s my blog: I didn’t catch any talks directly related to government. One interesting talk was on implementing mobile applications in health care using open source SOA tools and libraries.

Newton Software WINS the HR Technology Ironman Biking Competition (Best ATS Technology)

We’re fired up to announce that we won the most substantive segment of the first annual HRtechnology(R) Ironman Competition hosted HR systems integrator, HRchitect. Four vendors including, Newton Software faced off against one another in a competition judged by panelists that preregistered for the event in order to learn more about mid-market applicant tracking software.