U.S. Funds Used to Pay Afghan Warlords.. and Some Money Going to the Taliban

Not really want the Hokie Guru wanted to hear today… A congressional investigation says tens of millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funds are indirectly being paid to Afghan warlords, public offiA congressional investigation says tens of millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funds are indirectly being paid to Afghan warlords, public officials and evenRead… Read more »

Organizational Entrepreneurs: 21st Century Leaders

Making Mountains out of Capitol Hill A first time visitor to Capitol Hill will probably be surprised to find the legislative branch of United States government essentially run by twenty-something-year-olds fresh out of school. “I’m 33 and I am past my time,” Eric Johnson, former Chief of Staff to Robert Wexler (D-FL), told a groupRead… Read more »

Will Open Government Lead to a More Rational Electorate?

Will open government lead to a more rational electorate? That’s the contention of Clay Johnson, the former director of Sunlight Labs, a community of open source developers and designers dedicated to making government more transparent, accountable and responsible. He recently spoke on a panel at Digital Capital Week, a ten-day festival in Washington, DC focusedRead… Read more »

Weekly News on Research and Best Practices

Resources 1. Use Twitter in place of surveys and polls (05/26/2010) – Carnegie Mellon University finds text data generated from Twitter and other social networking sites can be used in place of formal surveys and polling to measure public opinion. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~nasmith/papers/oconnor+balasubramanyan+routledge+smith.icwsm10.pdf 2. Democracy Pays (05/26/2010) –UK study shows citizen participation in decision making can produceRead… Read more »

Are you letting your citizens dribble?

Imagine the old marketing as a game of basketball, but your customers are in the stands watching the game. New marketing is all about bringing them into the game. How are you bringing your customers into the game? Are you giving them a chance to express themselves? Are you allowing them to add to orRead… Read more »

Tobacco Regs Take Effect

New FDA tobacco regulations take effect on June 22, 2010. CDC Web article provides helpful overview of new FDA tobacco regulations and the potential public health impact, particularly for youth. It also provides insight on prohibition of “light,” “low,” and “mild” labels on cigarettes and contains helpful links to resources—such as FDA guidance documents—with detailedRead… Read more »

The Next Oil Spill Crisis: Human Health — Is the Federal Government Ready?

“Each day it’s becoming more evident that BP’s oil spill… is not only an environmental and economic disaster, but a human health crisis as well,” said Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.). If the Federal Government wasn’t prepared for the oil spill, there’s no excuse for not preparing for the inevitable public health care issues that willRead… Read more »

What’s the future for digital diplomacy

For those eager to get over the heady excitement of the post on What Is Public Diplomacy, here’s part two: What Next For Public Diplomacy For those catching up, from 7-9 June 2010, Wilton Park hosted a conference for government practitioners, academics and other experts from around the world to discuss public diplomacy policy andRead… Read more »