Show Yourselves!

Read blog post from new mom in the workplace which inspired me and then reminded me, I have a question. I know lots of married women with kids who have been professionally successful. But I personally know very few women who make it to retirement (1) still married to the father of (at least mostRead… Read more »

Top 5- Worst Pick Up Lines at Work

So I’m sure you guys (probably more so women than men) have stories to share of those weird psychos at work (or on the way to work) who just don’t know when to quit. They think anytime is a great time to “hit” on you. Well ladies and gentlemen, inspired by an idiot I workRead… Read more »

GovReads: When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead

Ever meet someone, so truly fascinating, that you walk away and say to yourself- I bet he has some GREAT stories to tell? Well, Jerry Weintruab is that person, and the stories he has are fascinating, funny, heartwarming, and entertaining. Who is Jerry Weintraub, you ask? He is the person who single-handedly changed how youRead… Read more »


The American Federation of Government Employees today congratulated, Justin Remsnyder, President of AFGE Local 1966 at the Lebanon VA Medical Center, and his Local union officers for being selected to receive the VA Secretary’s Labor Management Relations Award. The honor will be awarded to Local President Remsnyder for the union’s outstanding achievement in labor-management relations.Read… Read more »

Sales Lab’s Talk Your Business! June 16

You are invited to a free one hour brown bag lunch presentation that creates better sales on the spot! Wednesday, June 16th, Noon to 1 pm at Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce 6911 Richmond Highway, Suite 320 Alexandria, VA 22306 For more information, go here: Admission is free. Bring a “brown bag” lunch. HopeRead… Read more »

Freitas et al. on A New Usage for Semantic Technologies on eGovernment: Checking Official Documents’ Consistency

Dr. Fred Freitas of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group and Federal Universidade of Pernambuco Informatics Center, Zacharias Candeias Jr. of the Pernambuco Agência Estadual de Tecnologia da Informação, and Professor Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt of Universität Mannheim Zentrum für Wirtschaftsinformatik Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management Research Group, will presentRead… Read more »