Twitter’s Reliability An Issue For Government

SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter’s has had major reliability issues this week. The site was over capacity and displaying the “Fail Whale” image numerous times. The capacity issue resulted in site breakdowns, slowdowns, loss of tweets, and more. In fairness, Twitter has been transparent (in true social media culture fashion) about the scaling issues coming from exponentialRead… Read more »

Not too serious rant about my Kindle

Just for fun, I have to rant about the Kindle after seeing another ad on how well Kindle works in the bright sunshine on the beach. Who are all these people reading at the beach? How about everywhere else where real people spend most of their time? Is the terrific benefit of reading at theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: The Air Force switches cellphone plans

The Obama administration is in hot pursuit of cost-cutting ideas, or at least a chance to make it seem like it’s trying. In that vein, the White House will announce today that it’s recommending changes to about 10,000 cellphone plans for Air Force employees that better reflect their actual usage. The changes should help saveRead… Read more »

Hyperlocal websites are invaluable to Local Authorities

I was recently interviewed about hyperlocal websites relationship with Camden Council (in response to this blog post; “Digital Strategy: How Camden will be engaging with the local community through hyperlocal websites“) and an overview about our new website. This article has now been published and featured on E-Gov Bulletin by Dan Jellinek titled ‘Hyperlocal’ InformationRead… Read more »

A late Flag Day Celebration

My wife’s kindergarten class had a great celebration the other day. You have to watch this video as it is truly fun and inspirational. By the way, my wife is the one in the red.

Jump, Amy, Jump!

2010_National_JumpAmyJump_Final.pdf <#JumpAmyJump! Via FB @ & Blog> <Reposted Directly from Blog> What would you pay to get your boss to jump out of an airplane? $5? $50? $500? Would you give her a good push her for free? Have you already done it and hope you don’t get caught? If you haven’t andRead… Read more »

Procurement Management Stress

There’s a lot of pressure on procurement officers: cut costs, supplier quality, amount of people power, process compliance and contract management. More and more the paper piles and inability to accurately review and assess bids is hampering the success of many, many local government agencies. To meet this challenge specialty software providers are solving thisRead… Read more »

Does Federal Personnel Management Policy Prohibit Social Networking Based Job Referrals?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. More than 5 years ago my first exposure to “web 2.0” based professional networking was via Linkedin. As an independent IT management consultant it seemed natural to use web based networking to grow and develop professional relatiomships. Combined with my blogging I embarked on a rewarding series of professional experiencesRead… Read more »