Delay on European e-Justice Portal

The European e-Justice Portal will not become publicly available in the first half of 2010, according to a press release issued by the Council of the European Union and dated 3-4 June 2010. The Council further stated: Concerning the European e-Justice portal, the Council expressed its disappointment and regretted that the portal would not beRead… Read more »

Little or No Training Budget? Pressed for Time? Check out Web Manager University

Hi there – I’m Alycia and I am super excited to be writing my first blog post for GovLoop. I am a program coordinator for Web Manager University (WMU), and will be sharing with you training opportunities, government innovations, and cool websites and tools that I find through research for the WMU programs. Web ManagerRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Norm Mineta – Arm-wrestling with Tom DeLay

This week I spoke with Norm Mineta, who represented San Jose, CA in Congress for 20 years, as well as served in Cabinets of both Republican and Democratic presidents. As Secretary of Transportation for President George W. Bush after September 11th, Mineta was tasked with guiding the creation of the Transportation Security Administration – withRead… Read more »

EXCLUSIVE – First interview with Twitter, Inc. on their job search for D.C.-based government liaison

“If you are successful, the world will be a better place…” That quote, from the job posting Twitter made earlier this week seeking their first “government liaison,” is a window in to the aspirations Twitter has for their first D.C.-based employee. While the announcement has generated news headlines globally and set off a flurry ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Peter Orszag wants an upgrade

Let there be no doubt: Peter Orszag has declared war on the government’s computers. “At one time, a federal worker went to the office and had access to the most cutting-edge computer power and programs,” Orszag said Tuesday. “Now, he often has more of both in a device clipped to his belt.” The White HouseRead… Read more »

#TwitGov! Fresh Links (and a play-by-play)

A very interesting day of buzz over the new Twitter governmental liaison position, with everything from petitions to a sort of Microsoft-O’Reilly Media-Twitter Gov 2.0 debate on Mark Drapeau’s blog. @Twitter opened on Monday the with a job post: … Track the #twitgov search … … Cue Wednesday: Mark Drapeau (one of Microsoft’sRead… Read more »

Chat with #Gov20 Innovator @DustinHaisler Tonight at 9EDT on #Localgovchat

Anyone complaining about not having enough staff to launch innovative projects needs to talk to Manor, Texas, CIO and Asst. City Manager Dustin Haisler. Haisler, one of just 35 government employees, has found amazingly creative ways to innovate. Manor, population 6,500, has become a model for local government innovation and has done everything from creatingRead… Read more »

Growing (Federal) Government may Grind to a Hault

I recently read about Republican lawmaker Rep. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, creating a bill, the 2010 Federal Workforce Reduction Act (H.R. 5348). Interesting to say the least, considering the House recently agreed not to freeze federal pay. Why would there be a need? Consider the following federal employment statistics: The US job numbers for MayRead… Read more »

Blog Series: So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them!

A Tolero Solutions blog series on how to utilize Gen Y using the Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™ by Scott Span! Phase 1 – Communicate In a previous post So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them Through My Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™! I provided aRead… Read more »