WASHINGTON)—In response to the May 25 announcement that Federal Protective Service Director Gary Schenkel will leave his post for a position with the Department of Homeland Security, AFGE FPS Local 918 President David Wright today issued the following statement: “AFGE Local 918 acknowledges the service of Director Gary Schenkel, and we wish him well inRead… Read more »

Deckert, Stern, & Sack on Enabling Peer Review of Expert Testimony Within Government Proceedings

Mark Deckert, Abram Stern, and Professor Warren Sack, all of the University of California Santa Cruz, presented a poster entitled Enabling Peer Review of Expert Testimony Within Government Proceedings at dg.o 2010: The 11th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, 17-20 May 2010 in Puebla, Mexico. Click here for the poster. Click here forRead… Read more »

Gov2.0 Expo: How to do Gov2.0 for the kids?

The opening keynotes at the Gov2.0 Expo were overall very impressive. With slides advancing automatically every 15 seconds amounting to 5 minutes per speaker, the presentations were well-rehearsed nuggets highlighting projects run by bright people that everyone should be paying attention to. One presentation I particularly liked was Liz Losh’s “12 Don’ts for Government 2.0.”Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Audit: Newer federal courthouses are too big

You could call it Extreme Makeover: Courthouse Edition: The federal government’s landlord is building courthouses that are bigger than necessary, according to a preliminary report by government auditors. The Government Accountability Office revealed Tuesday that 27 of the 33 federal courthouses built by the General Services Administration since 2000 contain about 3.6 million square feetRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – U.S. Public Service Academy

I recently ran across something really interesting movement and had to share it with the GovLoop community. It shows how important public service is and how people are rallying around the idea training individuals to be the best public servants they can be. “The U.S. Public Service Academy will be an undergraduate institution devoted toRead… Read more »

Blended Workforce Done Strategically is Right Sizing

From The Acquisition Corner The insourcing debate seems to have heated up this month, as competing forces are all at play and all are trying to be satisfied. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) continues to provide guidance on inherently governmental functions, public comments continue on the proposed rules, and groups to help smallRead… Read more »

Collaborative solutions are slow in coming to Spain, help is on the way

While countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, and others are making good strides around the use of social media and other collaborative solutions and strategies, countries like Spain are just getting started. I learned of an interesting effort underway in Madrid, an effort to make Madrid a Smarter City, and I hadRead… Read more »