Microblogging on Intelink

The Intelink has a microblogging capability called eChirp. The service was established to enhance information sharing, collaboration, and situational awareness on the three Intelink networks. Anyone having acess to Intelink and an Intelink Passport may use eChirp.

To Restore Public Distrust-Increase Insourcing.

The very notion of Insourcing which is defined by hiring more government employees versus government procuring these services from government contractors at this time is a sign of a very disconnected government. We at Open Government TV have watched too much hard work from the White House, to Agency leadership, to both the House andRead… Read more »

Federal Agencies use Peer Panels to resolve workplace disputes

I was reading a back issue of the “Federal Times” recently, and it contained a story about peer review as an up and coming way for agencies to resolve workplace disputes. http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20091130/PERSONNEL03/911300302/-1/RSS Peer review is decribed by proponents as an efficient, fast way to resolve workplace conflicts. In addition, according to preliminary research, peer reviewRead… Read more »

Want to Be a Web Superstar?

So you want to be a web superstar! Doesn’t everyone? Well, in government, administrations change, priorities change, and technologies change. But the formula for being a web communications superstar – the ones with the great (or greatly improving) websites, the best web organizations, doing the most exciting new things – doesn’t change. Web superstars followRead… Read more »

Facebook’s Privacy Mistakes

The point of this post: The real problem with Facebook’s privacy practices is the failure to manage and live up to expectations. Let me preface this by saying “I am not a privacy professional.” My government has privacy professionals. They’re good people, know the legislation far better than I do and think more and deeperRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Resources 1. Government 2.0 and Access to Information in Eight Countries (04/15/2010) The development of proactive data disclosure systems in the U.S., Mexico, U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Finland and India are highlighted. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/2010-15-e.htm#a4 2. Government 2.0 and Access to Information in Canada (04/15/2010) – Examples of proactive data disclosure systems that are developing or alreadyRead… Read more »


(WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees, today, thanks Representatives John Sarbanes (D-MD), Ike Skelton (D-MO), Rob Andrews (D-NJ) and Stephen Lynch (D-MA) for their leadership on the passage of the Sarbanes Amendment to the FY 2011 National Defense Authorization Act. “This has been a great victory and would be a huge step towardRead… Read more »