Video Available for Core Specifications Task Force Meeting 26 May 2010

Video is now available for the first meeting of the Core Specifications Task Force held 26 May 2010 at the offices of Google in Washington, DC, USA. This event is also being referred to as the Open Source Workshop, the Open Source Workshop, and Open Source Procurement for Law.Gov. Click here forRead… Read more »

You Can’t Ban Social Media!

While reading some of my latest Google Alert’s I cam across a blog post by David Etue of The article titled “Mitigation, not prohibition, is best response to social media’s security risks” provides an excellent argument why organizations such as law enforcement agencies need to get into the conversation. Etue does a great jobRead… Read more »

Federal Hiring Reforms – A Step towards Efficient Government

President Obama have released the hiring reform memorandum (new executive order) in order to improve the Federal recruitment and hiring process. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) also recently hosted a Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Summit to discuss the executive order which allows for changes in the hiring system by reducing the gap betweenRead… Read more »

Federal Contracting – Time to Pull the Strings

The widespread increase of multiple award contracts (MACs) have made the Office of Federal Procurement Policy thinking so as to cut the contract spending and move more work in-house. These administrative efforts are the result of several agencies, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security planningRead… Read more »

Wanna see Gov Camp in Ottawa Live?

I know I do. I couldn’t travel to the conference, so the webcast is the next best step for me. The Fused Logic Team is doing the casting, which is pretty darn sweet. I’ve seen their work before, and I’m willing to come into work extra early to catch the broadcast. For French Translation, pleaseRead… Read more »

Disturbing Case of Innovation Squashed by Change Resistant Organization

Fair Warning: The blog post below and associated information candidly depicts the manner in which an innovative change agent was sacrificed on the alter of maintaining the status quo. Recommend any change agents lacking a forceful personality turn back now. Failure to do so may lead you to question your ability to effect organizational change.Read… Read more »

Shouldn’t the BP oil spill be a crowdsourcing “Grand Challenge”?

Obviously everyone is familiar with the incredibly tragic damage that continues to take place while I write and you read this regarding the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. There will be plenty of time for everyone to weigh in on how this was allowed to happen and not able to be fixed when a solutionRead… Read more »

How IBM does the Results Oriented Work Environment (ROWE)

There is an experiment at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management to change how government works. The idea is to stop measuring how much time an employee spends at the office but rather to measure how productive the employee is. The employee sets their own working hours and negotiates with their supervisor on what theyRead… Read more »