Utah Adds Education to Transparency Website

Just one year ago, Utah opened its financial system up to the public, making every individual transaction available for scrutiny. The Utah Transparency website (transparent.utah.gov) is unique in its detail that lets users drill into what any state entity is spending. Now, one year later, the site has added public and higher education. Every educationRead… Read more »

Why I’m NOT quitting Facebook

There’s been a lot of talk recently about Facebookand their privacy issues, as well as their perceived attempts to ‘take over the web’ through their ‘like’ buttons and other integrations with their platform. As a result, quite a few commentators and influential social media types have announced that they are leaving Facebook, deleting their accountsRead… Read more »

Wilko, A Draft 50 State Survey of Copyright Claims in State Codes and Court Opinions

Kate Wilko of the Stanford University Law Library has posted A Draft 50 State Survey of Copyright Claims in State Codes and Court Opinions on Legal Research Plus. The survey — which was conducted in conjunction with the Law.gov legal open government data project — covers U.S. state statutory codes and court decisions.

From the US Air Force home page commentaries section

Not really a blog, but this is my latest commentary for www.usafe.af.mil and www.af.mil. Most of it probably holds true for any organization’s employees when it comes to using social networking from the office. Social networking sites are open to Air Force servicemembers and employees in the workplace. This change to policy has raised manyRead… Read more »

A Billion Brains are Better Than One

Article from following link http://www.linkedin.com/news?viewArticle=&articleID=126003690&gid=27818&articleURL=http%3A%2F%2Fc%2Emoreover%2Ecom%2Fclick%2Fhere%2Epl%3Fz2743800238%26z%3D950243899&urlhash=fEmr&trk=news_discuss T-DRIVEN INNOVATION A Billion Brains are Better Than One Interview with Thomas W. Malone March 18, 2010 MIT Sloan’s Thomas W. Malone, author of The Future of Work, on how the smartest companies will use emerging technology to tap the power of collective intelligence PDF BUY ARTICLE & PERMISSIONS “MostRead… Read more »

Cogito ergo Sum

Cogito Ergo Sum – I think Therefore I am French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) proposed “the cogito” as demonstrating the most fundamental epistemological principle upon which all knowledge is based. Much of this supposition is argued today as not the only means for forming knowledge and in some cases utterly wrong, especially when viewing randomRead… Read more »

My experience attending the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference 2010

I was able to attend from the comfort of my home office. There were many panel discussions but these bullet points are from the discussions on vGov and Virtual World studies to stay in line with the initial discussion about Second Life. I would encourage others to go to their website and check out theRead… Read more »

May 21, 2010: Chicago Law.gov Workshop

The Chicago Law.gov Workshop will be held 21 May 2010 at The Chicago-Kent College of Law in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The workshop is co-sponsored by CALI: The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction and The Oyez Project. Click here for the conference program. The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #lawgov. Click here for information aboutRead… Read more »

Interview with Stephen Fletcher, CIO, State of Utah

(Written by Caron Calrson of FierceCIO.com) The State of Utah recently reduced its server count from 1800 to 400, and its IT department from 1000 to 800 employees through a comprehensive consolidation initiative. Operations costs were cut by $4 million, and the employee reductions were achieved entirely through managed attrition. In an interview with FierceCIO,Read… Read more »