5 Finalists for American Idol Gov 2.0 Edition

We all know that there’s mixed feelings on the latest installment of American Idol (not that I watch it but my wife keeps me updated) and I find that the same is true with Gov 2.0. In case you’re not sure what Gov 2.0 is, make sure you watch this recorded webcast from Tim O’ReillyRead… Read more »

SocialNetworking to Develop – Power of Now that is Real and less driven by Positive Mental Attitude.

Yes!!! Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is Delusional. Whenever I said this I was literally KICKED out of all motivational work-shops. In fact briefly when I worked for a corporate training company some 15 years back, they were horrified that I was lambasting this idiotic thing called “PMA”. The danger of any social-networking is greater fasterRead… Read more »

Playing Your Part in Going Green

When it comes to going green, IT can be both part of the problem and part of the solution. It has been shown that information and communications technology accounts for close to 2% of all carbon dioxide emissions worldwide, around the same amount as produced by the aviation industry. However, IT also gives us theRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: John Mayer’s theme song for fed-hiring reform?

A few years ago John Mayer won a Grammy with the song Waiting on the World to Change. It’s an upbeat, even memorable song, but here’s my worry: That federal leaders may be taking this tune as their theme song when it comes to enacting government-hiring reform. I know what you’re thinking — hiring reform,Read… Read more »

Palmirani on Legal Resources Modelling in the Semantic Web for Implementing eGov

Professor Monica Palmirani of Università di Bologna Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche «Antonio Cicu» and Centro Interdipartimentale de Ricerca in Storia del Diritto e Informatica Giuridica (CIRSFID) presented a lecture entitled Legal Resources Modelling in the Semantic Web for Implementing eGov on 11 November 2009 at CodeX: The Stanford University Center for Computers and Law, inRead… Read more »

GovLoop Intern Blog: Gov2.0 Expo Fun

Well the past two days have been very eventful for me. Tuesday night I went to the Gov 2.0 Expo TweetUp at RFD with Mr. GovLoop and met some amazing people. I just cannot believe that I am brushing elbows with some of the brightest and most influential individuals in Gov 2.0. So far I’veRead… Read more »

Does your agency have the passion for Gov 2.0? – #Localgovchat / #g2e @garyvee Edition Tonight at 9 EST

So why was Gary Vaynerchuk, @garyvee of #crushit fame, asked to keynote the Gov 2.0 Expo this week in Washington DC? He is not a tech guy. He doesn’t work for government. For all I know, he doesn’t have anything to do with government (except his contempt for interstate wine shipping laws). I believe heRead… Read more »