Weekly newsletter on research and best practices that will help us create a more open government

Research ReportsNew PEW Report – Fate of the Semantic Web (5/4/2010) Pew Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center pulled together 895 experts to predict the likelihood that Berners-Lee and his allies will realize their vision of Web 3.0 by 2020.http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Semantic-Web.aspx Understanding participation: A literature review – (01/13/2010) Summary ofRead… Read more »

All I Really Need to Know (About Collaboration) I Learned in Kindergarten (Last Week)

[Originally published here on cpsrenewal.ca] Last week I volunteered in my daughter’s junior kindergarten class. Afterward I realized that building online communities is not all that different than building trust with a large group of children. In the column below I will speak directly about my experience in the classroom; while in many cases theRead… Read more »

Interview with DAU’s Mike Lambert

Below is an interview conducted with Mike Lambert, who is active in improving knowledge management and training systems for the defense acquisition workforce. In particular, I advise you find Mike on GovLoop. How did you get to where you are in your life? I’ve taken an interesting tour of a variety of career fields overRead… Read more »

The Postmaster General speaks out

Happy Monday! The way Postmaster General John E. Potter sees it, he has less than six months to convince Congress and the nation of the urgent need to retool the U.S. Postal Service for the 21st century. By fall, the Postal Service won’t have enough money to make payroll, Potter predicts. But big customers, regulators,Read… Read more »

Pillars of Gov 2.0: Social Media and Standards

I’ve been watching with interest as social media blogger extraordinaire Chris Brogan adapts his person brand from “social media guy,” to “human business guy.” Chris has been writing about effective news media strategy since long before it was a cottage industry, and many of his tips and probing questions center around the human component ofRead… Read more »

Performance Based Contracting Needs a Continued Push through Acquisition 2.0

Why has it been so difficult to execute performance-based contracting? Certainly the complexities of modern-day service contracting play a part, but as Steve Kelman, former administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy points out, it has been a frustrating and slow moving initiative making little headway in proper execution of these methods. …There isRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Denise Hill

Denise Hill Organization: U.S. Department of Energy Supporting Links: www.energy.gov; www.energy.gov/open 1. What was your path to public service/current job? After college, I started working as a retail manager, excited to have my first post-college job and for the adventures that lay ahead. Growing up, many of my relatives, including my mom, had careers inRead… Read more »