Senate vote on same-sex benefits for gay partners of federal workers ‘within weeks’

The Senate could vote on a bill extending fringe benefits to the same-sex partners of gay federal employees “within weeks” and well before July 4, according to aides to Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.). The Nutmeg State senator is lead sponsor of the measure, which would cost an estimated $310 million through 2020, according toRead… Read more »

Better Buy is Like Best Ball in Golf. Try it…It’s fun and rewarding.

A few weeks ago, my church Alfred Street Baptist had a Mens Retreat that opened with a good old fashioned golf outing. For those of you who don’t know what Best Ball is, let me explain. In a foursome (4 golfers playing against other groups of 4). The golfers hit off the tee and theRead… Read more »

Free O’Reilly Webcast May 19: Cloud Computing and Security: Can’t We all Just Get Along?

Security is considered the primary barrier to cloud computing adoption. Therefore, focusing attention toward minimizing security risks offers the potential for increasing cloud computing adoption. This free one-hour webcast from HyperStratus CEO Bernard Golden will offer a framework to analyze security issues, and present a set of best practices toward implementing security in cloud-based applications.Read… Read more »


Citing a Need for New Hope and Direction, AFGE Endorses Gray for Mayor (WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the nation’s largest federal and D.C. government employee union, today announced its support for Vincent Gray, current chair of the D.C. City Council, in his run for mayor of the city. AFGE representsRead… Read more »

New Congress Application for iPhone and Android Puts Government Info Right In Your “Palm”

Since getting my new HTC Droid Incredible, I’ve been gleefully exploring the growing number of applications available for Android. This week I was thrilled to discover CONGRESS, a new Open Source Android application by Sunlight Labs. Technology and Politics are two of my passions. I’m a huge proponent of open and transparent government and regularlyRead… Read more »


Jack said, “I really liked your criticism model in the sales meeting. Say the name of the person and then say what they did that you liked. It sounded kinda woowoo, but it really worked. “The people who had something to say and the people mentioned knew something important was going on, and the peopleRead… Read more »

Could Obama ask for a federal pay cut?

President Obama last week “encouraged” Spain to follow through with plans for an austerity budget, which includes a 5 percent pay cut for the country’s federal employees. Colleague Chuck Lane endorsed the president’s nudge last week, noting that much of the money the U.S. borrows helps underwrites the International Monetary Fund, which is helping bankrollRead… Read more »

4 Little Explored Areas in Contract Transparency

Sterling keeps a blog called All Things Sterling. Transparency. Accountability. Openness. Whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. Transparency is young, but contract transparency is an infant. This gives us the opportunity to set the agenda of what it really means and will look like for years to come. GovLoop has alreadyRead… Read more »

2020 Census will have an online option

Happy Tuesday! How will Americans use the Internet in 2020? Will we all use cell phones? Will we still have snail mail? A team of experts at the U.S. Census Bureau is asking those questions in preparation for the 2020 Census even as temporary workers are knocking on doors to complete the 2010 Census. FinalRead… Read more »

Complex or Complicated Solutions – a eGov issue

This started with my preparing a plenary keynote for the World Congress of IT, or WCIT, due to be delivered on the 25th May. The theme calls for a new partnership between Government and Business in terms of the provisioning and use of technology in the creation of the emerging society we see today.Read… Read more »