Registration Open for: LEX 2010 Summer School: Managing Legal Resources in the Semantic Web

Registration is now open for the LEX 2010 Summer School: Managing Legal Resources in the Semantic Web (formerly the Legislative XML Summer School), to be held 6-11 September 2010, at the University of Bologna’s campus in Ravenna, Italy. The summer school lasts 6 days and “is organized in two courses:” “A Basic Course providing anRead… Read more »

It’s a culture sort of thing

March 2010 Martin Stewart-Weeks gave a presentation to the New Media Group, Victorian Government entitled Getting Under the Skin of Government 2.0 – Issues, Insights and Implications Martin’s presentation, similar to the Australia’s Gov 2.0 Taskforce Report and the reports on innovation in the Australian Public Service and the work of the Reform Group highlightedRead… Read more »

OpenGov can it overcome the “Conformists”

From my blog Aug’ 18th 2007 To Open governance – what does it mean? – (Not) To be conformist, foster individualism, collaboration & creative worker, what does bureaucracy mean? Does it impede Open Governance?!! The Lucifer Effect May be ‘One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ is a better title – Anyway this revolvesRead… Read more »

USAF social media Incident Response chart

I spent Thursday and Friday at Free State Social, a social media conference sponsored by the World Company in Lawrence, Kansas. I was the only government participant. I learned a number of interesting things, but the EUREKA! moment for me as a government practitioner was provided by Jeremiah Owyang, whose presentation included this social-media responseRead… Read more »

So You Enjoyed the Govt Web & New Media Conf – Now, What Are YOU Gonna Do?

I hope you either attended or tuned into the Government Web and New Media Conference in Washington DC, last week. What a line-up! I sat in my Tucson family room, watching the proceedings streaming live, listening to the fine line-up of speakers; and I marveled that so many terrific people are engaged in improving theRead… Read more »

No Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore… Time to call KDOT

I was chatting with Patrick Quinn who is the Social Media Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation, about the community efforts taking place in his organization. What follows is some great information, compliments of Patrick (many thanks for your openness). Enjoy. Q. It appears that you have an internally focused community and an externally focused community,Read… Read more »

Pew eGov Report Sheds Light on eParticipation & Use of Online Legislation

22% of U.S. Internet users recently surveyed said they had “[d]ownload[ed] or read the text of any legislation” online in the past 12 months, according to Government Online: The Internet Gives Citizens New Paths to Government Services and Information (27 April 2010), a new report published by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. TheRead… Read more »

Who Dumped All That Free Speech on My Lawn?

A lively conversation blew through the Ypsilanti, Michigan message boards this week, like discarded coupons churning in the wind. Residents are tired of finding local news site’s weekly add papers strewn about their property. Rather than just complain, they’ve taken to SeeClickFix to exchange information and find a solution. It’s proven surprisingly difficult forRead… Read more »