Does Your Website Show Your Commitment to Customer Service, Government Executive?

Great customer service starts right at the top of any organization – private or public. Top executives set the tone and the standards for customer service. When those top executives pay close attention and make customer service a priority, they create happy customers. Happy customers – better business. Nothing new about that. But have youRead… Read more »

Don’t Have a City Facebook Page? It’s OK, Facebook’s Made One (For You?)

Back in April, Facebook launched something called “Community Pages,” which far as I can tell, simply scrapes Wikipedia content and public status updates and populates the pages with “fans” who mentioned the page term in their profile. Thought your city didn’t have a fan Page on Facebook? I’ll bet it does. Your council’s been handwringingRead… Read more »

Hansel and Dick

I was reading the fairy tale, Hansel and Dick. You know, the one where the two guys got out of the woods because they left a trail of handouts behind them. I have come to think that the most important part of a sale is making sure all the prospects have something in their handsRead… Read more »

Participatory Chinatown Launches

The original post can be found at my other blog: The Place of Social Media Participatory Chinatown launched on May 3 in Boston’s Chinatown. It’s a 3-D interactive game designed to augment the traditional community meeting. Instead of the traditional model of people responding to a powerpoint presentation about the neighborhood, participants in this meetingRead… Read more »

Designing Social Media Policy for Government: Eight Essential Elements

As we all know, despite the increasingly frequent use of social media tools by government agencies, managing this engagement remains challenging for many, especially at state and local levels. Last summer CTG began to explore this topic and what we ended up hearing often from government professionals that we interviewed was that they would reallyRead… Read more »

Why the Foreign Office is dabbling with Facebook Connect

As the post-election smoke clears, we’re launching a small experiment on the Foreign Office Global Conversations blogs. On a number of blogs (for now, mostly the US ones, such as this one), we’re adding the comment functionality of Facebook Connect. So for now, we have different mechanics on different blogs, but this is by wayRead… Read more »