Weekly Newsletter on Research and Best Practices

Research Reports 1. The Impact of Social Computing on the European Union (11/19/2009): Trends about user-centric and effective services as well as new forms of civic and political participation. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/index.cfm?id=1410&obj_id=9410&dt_code=NWS 2. WEB 2.0 implications on knowledge management (2009): Web 2.0 can do more than broadcast messages to a wider audience. Through simple, user-driven tools, theyRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Rebound Completed?

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk Rebound runs out of steam The TSP funds were tossed around last week as stocks rebounded earlier in the week, but headed down again by Friday. The jubilance of the Greece bailout on Monday turned to doubt as the euro continued to trade lower. There is lingering concern thatRead… Read more »

Imprisonment – An Extreme End of Social Media (Putting Entire Haiti behind bars!)

Exploring over the Internet I recently landed over the subject of incarceration around the world and rather landed myself into trouble of loosing two consecutive nights in sleeplessness. For here I am (we are) selling Open Governance, Social Media, Government 2.0 to a generation with social consciousness, and thinking how sweet the generation would beRead… Read more »

Cali Baja Shines at Mexport

Mexport is an annual trade show in San Diego — a great, one-day snapshot of www.calibaja.org“>Cali Baja’s economy, a term that describes the greater economic zone between Baja California in Mexico and San Diego and Imperial Counties in California. Services in global transportation, manufacturing and assembly reflect the impetus of the local economy and theRead… Read more »

Digital World Village

Vision of Digital World Village By – Srinidhi Boray (Ingine Inc) By syndication of both content acquisition and in delivery, Federal information can be disseminated to broad array of devices, from broad array of sources. eLearning & eEducation eManagement Federal funded Visual Digital Themes Invigorate ecosystem by intuitive themes Invigorate tourism (tourist attraction & museum)Read… Read more »

Utah Adds Education to Transparency Website

Just one year ago, Utah opened its financial system up to the public, making every individual transaction available for scrutiny. The Utah Transparency website (transparent.utah.gov) is unique in its detail that lets users drill into what any state entity is spending. Now, one year later, the site has added public and higher education. Every educationRead… Read more »

Why I’m NOT quitting Facebook

There’s been a lot of talk recently about Facebookand their privacy issues, as well as their perceived attempts to ‘take over the web’ through their ‘like’ buttons and other integrations with their platform. As a result, quite a few commentators and influential social media types have announced that they are leaving Facebook, deleting their accountsRead… Read more »