Nation’s Largest Federal Employees Union Reaches Quarter Million Mark (WASHINGTON)—The American Federation of Government Employees, the nation’s largest federal and D.C. employee union representing more than 600,000 government workers, today announced that it passed the quarter of a million mark in dues paying members. AFGE represents federal employees in 75 agencies including the Department ofRead… Read more »

Stop Taking Offense to SNL Public Employee Skit

You’re offended by this skit? Really? Really?? Get over it. Yes, it isn’t the greatest humor. Yes, it might make fun of your specific job. But, ladies and gentlemen, we have bigger issues to worry about like fixing our government. So what if SNL makes fun over public employees? They make fun of everyone else.Read… Read more »

CONVENTION – documentary about DNC Denver

CONVENTION is a documentary made about the behind the scenes in the Denver community – focussing on the Denver Municipal Government employees and their role in the success of the Democratic National Convention. This is a wonderful film showing the professionalism, dedication and talent of government employees. It starts on ON Demand May 15th onRead… Read more »

Is your organization supporting mobile access?

While mobile web browsing is far from the mainstream there is no denying that it has finally turned a corner. According to data on NetMarketShare, mobile web viewing has increased from 0.69% of all traffic in May of 2009 to 1.7% in March of 2010. While these numbers are small they represent an increase ofRead… Read more »

Peaceful Progress to Protect Rights Pomegranate Party?

I want to form my own party – Peaceful Progress to Protect Rights… I was hoping to creatively think of a drink, like Tea or Coffee, but that starts with a P… maybe the Pomegranate juice Party? OK, maybe not… My point is – I am appalled at the government legislative actions as of late:Read… Read more »

Ambassadors From The Parking Lot

I stopped in to see a customer. He asked, “How’s the weather out there?” Heck, he’s on the tenth floor, big office, picture windows to the National Mall. “How’s the weather out there?” That got me thinking. Most people work in an office, a cube, on a machine. They see the same people day afterRead… Read more »

Join #localgovchat tonight 4/28 at 9 EST. Focusing on topics from #govwebcon. Join us!

Today was an extremely busy day for #gov20 and #opengov events and tons of great topics. I was following the tweets from #govwebcon (especially @gwynnek and @levyj413) and thought this could lead to some great discussion on content, feedback, technology, public relations, transaction vs. information, and more. So anyone who doesn’t want the conversation toRead… Read more »