The Most Treasured Gift
In the Information Age the most treasured gift is information. Blogging, information is often a unique definition, your point of view. Post! Comment! Do It Now!
In the Information Age the most treasured gift is information. Blogging, information is often a unique definition, your point of view. Post! Comment! Do It Now!
It’s true that the D.C. area is home to one of the worst commutes in the nation. Think you can breeze through 66, 270, or the Beltway in rush hour? Good luck to you. They say it’s going to rain. Better luck next time. I’ll bet on something that has better odds, like the lottery.Read… Read more »
If you wish to be successful with your digital government initiatives, you must measure. Without reasonably good metrics you have no way to determine success and no way to gauge how you should direct your resources. Putting up a website is not a measure of success. You really need to understand what that website isRead… Read more »
Yannick Assogba, Irene Ros, and Matt McKeon, all of the IBM Research Visual Communication Lab, presented DocBlocks: Communication-Minded Visualization of Topics in U.S. Congressional Bills, at CHI 2010: The 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, held 10-15 April 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Here is the abstract: US Federal legislation is aRead… Read more »
Let’s face it, EEOC regulations (and there are plenty of them) are confusing. The Department of Labor and EEOC are slated to receive a record amount of funding in 2010 and this means more enforcement is imminent. Are you aware of your obligations in order to be an equal opportunity employer? How big of aRead… Read more »
It’s looking more and more promising that Congress will pass the Plain Writing Act (S574), the law that so many have championed for so long. The Act passed the House in March by a vote of 386 to 33; and it’s being considered in the Senate now. If it is enacted, get ready, web communicators.Read… Read more »
I interviewed Sunlight Lab’s guru Clay Johnson on the Design For America competition (click here to watch interview). The winners will be announced at the Gov 2.0 Expo on May 25th. Make sure you get your entry in before the deadline. Click here for more details.
I’ve been kinda slack in posting updates to my blog, but thought I’d share this news item from the Charlotte (NC) Observer. (This is not meant as a slight to my City of Charlotte counterparts.) My guess is City Council and County Commission members may now get engaged in a discussion on the differingRead… Read more »
“Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom.”– Colonel Jessup in the movie A Few Good Men Organizations that choose to deploy collaborative solutions, rangingRead… Read more »
Full body scans at airports are an intrusion of privacy. We already knew that, of course, but news last week of a Miami TSA worker arrested after beating up co-worker for making fun of his penis size serves as yet another reminder. The story goes something like this: The dimensions of TSA worker Rolando Negrin’sRead… Read more »