Dilemma for New Members – Identifying Group(s) to Join – Acquisition, Procurement, Contracts – Federal, State, or Local

Key Words: Acquisition, Procurement, Purchasing, Contracts, Contracting, Supply, Supply-chain, Supply Chain Management, Materials Management, Construction, A/E/C, Public Works, A & E Design, Tendering,Sourcing, Strategic Sourcing and all of the former in 2.0 It’s not rocket science. If “a rose is a rose is a rose”, then acquisition is acquisition is acquisition, right? If you workRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: House establishes diversity task force

Happy Wednesday! Following a recent study that found a serious lack of minorities on Capitol Hill, House Democratic and Republican leaders plan to tackle rank and file concerns with a series of moves. On Tuesday leaders established a diversity task force that will sponsor training courses, build a resume bank of potential job candidates andRead… Read more »

Accessibility Hack #3: Testing Colours to Enhance Readability

This is a crosspost of http://dotgov.com According to the University of Washington’s Department of Ophthalmology, 2.8 million Americans have colour blindness, which can express itself in many variations and degrees of severity. Colour perception problems are important considerations when developing web sites to ensure that all users have access to the content and the functionalityRead… Read more »

CIOs, please stop erecting those walls

Back in October of 2009 I noted that, according to IDC and Robert Half Technology, 54% of all US CIOs prohibit social networking sites at work. While the numbers were a cause for discussion at that time, many experts in the field have told me that the walls have been crumbling down. Well, John CougarRead… Read more »


Have you heard about the US State Department announcing their take on Facebook (or LinkedIn!). Statebook is their internal version (or take of) Facebook. The department’s Office of eDiplomacy plan is to utilize social medial tools on a secure network so that employees and doplomatic officials around the world will be able to converse andRead… Read more »

The Age Old Question

[Note that this is a cross post from my blog; it can be found here, it currently has 32 comments that are also worth reading.] Last week was a busy one for the Clerk of the Privy Council, Wayne Wouters. In addition to his regular duties he announced a new website, found his way onRead… Read more »

Former students, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliarists from The College of William & Mary, carry on their lives of service

Originally posted at http://www.andrewdwelch.com/2010/04/former-students-us-coast-guard.html We enter this week’s installment of the “Spotlight on Leadership” campaign with a “why do you serve” post that is very close to my heart. I should actually say that this Monday I am taking the opportunity not to ask the question “why do you serve,” but rather to highlight threeRead… Read more »

IRMCO analysis and report

My name is Tom Suder and I am with a company called Concert Technologies that does business in the Federal and Commercial market place. I am semi-notorious for being an insatiable networker. I attend many events and conferences in the general Fed IT space including those put on by AFCEA, AFFIRM, ACT/IAC, Fedscoop, DISA, ExecutiveRead… Read more »