The Federal Coach: When Michael Scott works for Uncle Sam

Despite the presence of outstanding leaders throughout our federal government, the bad ones have a disproportionate impact on government performance. Michael Scott may be television’s version of a bad boss on NBC’s The Office, but from what I hear, there are lots of leaders with similar failings roaming agency hallways. It may be funny toRead… Read more »

Is butting heads necessary to incite change?

Short answer – is it necessary – no. Some people are more creative when mental models are challenged, some just shut down. Head butting is probably overstating it, but respectful and constructive debate is useful. We need critical thinking and analysis, so we don’t end up with group think and head off down the wrongRead… Read more »

Peter Corbett on Social Marketing

Peter Corbett spoke at Joe Shumard’s Internet Implementation Forum at the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. I think Peter is one of the smartest people I’ve heard on using social media. This isn’t his whole presentation, just the parts I like best. His company, iStrategy Labs is a “digital experiential marketing agency.” Google istrategylabs forRead… Read more »

Congratulations to the 2010 Cafritz Foundation Awards Winners!

The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership is pleased to announce that the evaluation and selection process for The 2010 Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Awards for Distinguished DC Government Employees is successfully concluded. An independent selection panel, composed of a group of individuals who have extensive experience in public service andRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – 11,000 & 115

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk Stocks continued their bullish ways as many of the major indexes made new 52-week during the week. The U.S. market seem to be watching the employment numbers and the ongoing debt saga in Greece closely, and so far nothing overly negative has developed. It was another good week forRead… Read more »

Leadership: Are You Really Committed?

This article was originally posted on the Tri Tuns, LLC blog at Please check out this blog or the Tri Tuns website for more articles and other great resources. OBSERVATION “We judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions.” We all know that leadership commitment to a new project, ITRead… Read more »

The IRS Is Not A Bank

The Internal Revenue Service is not a lender of last resort. By not paying taxes, you are ultimately borrowing from the Government, at extremely costly rates. The addition of compounding interest and penalties will make a bad situation much worse. Any unpaid taxes due will garner a daily interest rate, plus a monthly 5% penaltyRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Sterling Whitehead

Member of the Week: Sterling Whitehead Organization: Strategic Systems Programs, Department of the Navy Email: [email protected] (home) Supporting Links:; 1. What was your path to public service/current job? My father served as a US Marine for 30 years, so I grew up with the public service attitude, the greater good, all that. IRead… Read more »