2009 CFCNCA Final Results: More than $66.5 Million Pledged

Thank you for your support of the 2009 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA). Federal employees should be proud of the more than $66.5 million pledged to help people and communities in need through the 4,000 local, national and international participating charitable organizations. The CFCNCA achieved its record-breaking success due to theRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 (04/12/2010) – Morgan Stanley predicts the future of the Internet and highlights important online trends… http://mashable.com/2010/04/13/mobile-web-stats/ 2. New UK standards for measuring government websites (04/2010). http://www.coi.gov.uk/guidance.php?page=188. Highlights: Measuring Website Usage http://www.coi.gov.uk/guidance.php?page=229 Measuring Website Costs http://www.coi.gov.uk/guidance.php?page=223 Measuring Website Quality http://www.coi.gov.uk/guidance.php?page=138 3. Making the Most of Social Media:Read… Read more »

In the Sandbox with our internal online community

At the moment, KDOT’s most interesting social media effort is the launch of KPN-1, our internal online community. It’s a much different undertaking than the launch of K-TOC, our public-facing community. KPN-1 is in the Leverage Sandbox, a “training-wheels” environment that looks and functions like an actual community. KPN-1 might one day be open toRead… Read more »

Visit Jamie’s Real-time TBI Survival Blog

Many of my friends | acquaintances know that my youngest son Jamie suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) while working in Southern Maryland for Waldorf Ford and Dodge in January 2003. When you want your car the “next day” and that sales person says – “we can get it for you and have it hereRead… Read more »

National Writing Examiner (NWE)101: the consultant proposal

by Donna L. Quesinberry National Writing Examiner (NWE) The precursor to the “Consultant’s Proposal (CP)” is good capture management recognition. It is essential in the enablement of quality consulting to excel in communication. Before writing a CP, the Consultant should have a verbal and mental agreement in place already that is the result of buildingRead… Read more »

E-government and the volcano

Where was/is e-government during the current/recent travel crisis? Having been stranded in Tarragona, south of Barcelona, amongst a group of foreign nationals wanting to get home or elsewhere after a conference, I thought I should asked the question, what, if anything could or should e-government have done? From my view, the first target on theRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing: gathering information to support forest fire fighting

Elena Rapisardi, a new friend who contracts with, and does innovative volunteer work for, various parts of the Italian government, has reported out on an interesting meeting here. I bring this up because we don’t always notice when new ground is being broken and new fuel is being provided for our own further development andRead… Read more »

Is My Employer Practicing Web 2.0 or Government 2.0? How Can I Help?

As an employee (commerical or public service), it can be really invigorating to discover that your employer is a trend-setting (or following) participant in Web 2.0 practices. Your employer may actually market this, its “Web 2.0 expertise”. This seems to suggest your employer is current, relevant, amenable to open standards generated by a global communityRead… Read more »