Art Of Abstraction – Defeating Art Of Obfuscation

Art of Abstraction in the Investigational Architecture work – Defeating the Devious Art of Obfuscation Bell Curves as statistical derivatives provide excellent hindsight in a single agent market or in a homogenous system. However, they breakdown in a multi-agent market or heterogeneous system, where Fractals provide better foresight as opposed to statistical hind sight basedRead… Read more »

What does Gov 2.0 mean afterall? Surely, not Shovelware!

Shovelware is a derogatory computer term that refers to software noted more for the quantity of what is included than for the quality or usefulness. When little thought is given to the design of an application meant for specific use on the destination platform or medium, resulting in poor quality service, what we end upRead… Read more »

Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age

“The time has come for new thinking and aggressive action to ensure the information opportunities of America’s people, the information health of its communities, and the information vitality of our democracy. Information technology is changing our lives in ways that we cannot easily foresee.” That’s a quote from Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the DigitalRead… Read more »

The IMPACT Project: Policy Argument Modeling & Text Analysis

A number of legal informatics scholars and institutions are involved in the new EU research project called IMPACT: Integrated Method for Policy Making Using Argument Modelling and Computer Assisted Text Analysis. The goal of the project is to apply those computing methods to “facilitate deliberations about policy at a conceptual, language-independent level.” Many of theRead… Read more »

Northern Territory Public Sector – More open than the rest? Could we co-design public sector agencies?

Hi Folks. A lovely Autumn day here in Canberra Australia. OK I’m biased given the time I spent working in the Northern Territory. But, the Nothern Territory Public Sector has always been quite innovative. It all goes back the work done on the Public Service Act and sector wide leadership and management development in theRead… Read more »

One Night In Bangkok, The NBA Playoffs… only from the Hokie Guru, Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Let’s get things started… back to the 1980’s…. One Night in Bangkok makes a hard guy humble 2010 NBA Playoffs After 1230 regular season games, the NBA playoffs have arrived. Let’s take a look at the first round matchups: Eastern Conference 1.) The #1 seed Cleveland Cavaliers take on the #8 seed Chicago Bulls. ExpectRead… Read more »

Icelandic Volcano strands people, Twitter allows them to fix it

For the last two days a volcano in Iceland has been spewing ash and rock high into the atmosphere with little indication that it is going to stop any time soon. The danger that the ash presents to aircraft (the particles are so fine and sharp they can destroy a jet engine) combined with theRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Young Acquisition Professionals New Mentoring Program

We all have one or more people we can point to over our lives who have made an impression on us or provided help, guidance or support in some way. How would things be different for you if you didn’t have this support or the opportunities that resulted? I for one am grateful for theRead… Read more »