Top Canadian bureaucrat gets it, the workers at the bottom get it, who’s left?

Here’s the scoop: In the 17th annual report to the Prime Minister published a few weeks ago, Privy Council Clerk Wayne Wouters states “government departments have to embrace the Web 2.0 tools and technology that rest of the world uses that allow more collaboration among workers, levels of government and Canadians”. While his predecessor includedRead… Read more »

How can HR best use IT to deliver superior HR service?

Many organizations today are trying to make more effective use of Information Technology (IT) in order to deliver on their mission, reduce costs, improve quality, and save time. Internal HR systems all have the potential to provide major leaps forward. Unfortunately, many organizations spend countless hours and dollars building IT systems, yet they never achieveRead… Read more »


Union Praises Rep. Connolly for leadership in Introducing the Bill (WASHINGTON) – The American Federation of Government Employees has successfully convinced the House and the Senate to pass legislation that would compensate nearly 2,000 Department of Transportation employees who were furloughed for two days because of blocked funding. Yesterday, the Senate passed the bill, H.R.Read… Read more »

“Letting Go” and Transforming Your Intimate FOE — Fear of Exposure: Part II

Part I of this two-part essay focused on my format for illustrating the concept of “Letting Go” during a 20-minute after dinner keynote for the career transition/support group, Forty Plus. [Email [email protected] for this essay.] I reviewed both the dynamics and dangers of not being able to “let go”: “if you have invested so muchRead… Read more »

Tickets for the Troops

One of the aspects of living in the D.C. area that I love the most is being able to work with the many wonderful organizations and individuals that are dedicated to helping and providing service to those brave men and women who sacrifice so much for their country – I am truly appreciative of theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Congress repays furloughed DOT workers

Some Transportation Department workers got an even sweeter pay day today. Last night’s vote to extend jobless benefits until June also provided compensation for the almost 2,000 Transportation Department workers furloughed last month amid disagreements about how to pay for the bill. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood applauded the move on his blog this morning. “ItRead… Read more »

Bex on Argument Mapping & Storytelling in Criminal Cases

Dr. Floris Bex of the University of Dundee’s Argumentation Research Group has posted Argument Mapping and Storytelling in Criminal Cases, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. Dr. Bex’s post presents an innovative approach to organizing and analyzing criminal evidence. This new theory combines methods of argumentRead… Read more »