Latest Project:

I’ve always wanted to know what is going in the area. My area. My zip code. And the zip codes around me. Sometimes I care what is happening a mile away. Sometimes I care what is happening 50 miles away. I’d like an easy way to switch between the two worlds without a lot ofRead… Read more »

Stop changing the way people work!

It has occurred to me more and more recently that trying to get people to change the way they work is a pointless exercise and pretty hard work really especially if what you are suggesting challenges what they stand for and the very role they have become experts in over a number of years. InRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: The New Face of EPA

A special thanks to Jeffrey Levy, Director of Web Communications for Office of Public Affairs at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for participating in this weeks GovLoop Project of the Week. 1. What prompted this redesign? We constantly assess our home page, so this is the next cycle. Our last home page redesign was 18 monthsRead… Read more »

Service leaders in the community, nation, and world help answer the question “Why do you serve?”

Original post at Six weeks ago I started a regular Monday segment at that features personal thoughts and reflections on service, written (usually) by those who serve. I get a number of questions about the segment, so decided that I would discuss the idea a bit and recap the stories told since weRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 2.

This is the third blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the previous post here. Point 2. Because of the market size and a smorgasbord of opportunities, you have to make an extra effort to keep yourself focused, or you will wasteRead… Read more »