Open Message to Fellow State and Local Government GovLoop Members

Approximately one month has gone by since I became “participative” on GovLoop. I became a member almost a year ago, but it took me awhile start utilizing the great opportunities available here. My background includes county, city, airport and hospital based procurement and e-procurement blended with bidding some federally funded capital projects under federal rules.Read… Read more »

NCOIC Discusses e-Discovery and Cloud Computing

Last week during its weekly meeting, the NCOIC Cloud Computing Working Group (CCWG) examined some of the legal aspects surrounding electronically stored information. With government use of cloud computing expected to grow, the group reach out to Mr. Jason R. Baron, Director of Litigation for the United States National Archives and Records Administration for someRead… Read more »

Filling Gaps in US Commerce Department Leadership

President Obama has filled two vital leadership posts in the US Department of Commerce, announcing the appointment of a new Under Secretary for International Trade, and a new Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration and head of the Bureau of Industry and Security. Eric L. Hirschhorn, the nominee for Under Secretary of Commerce forRead… Read more »

IT”S ONLY A SAFETY PIN! A true story by Meyer Moldeven How might adolescents and teenagers of this 21st century relate to and communicate with grandparents and the elderly? Based on a real encounter, this story tells what happened during my chance meeting with a young adult. He was about 17; I was in myRead… Read more »

Brush that Dirt off Your Bike Lanes – Social Media for Spring Cleaning

Government of the people, meet the people. With technology making our world smaller and more closely interconnected than ever before, it seems only natural that new social media like could link citizens and government in productive dialogue about issues affecting the public space. Recently we helped bicyclists in Lansing, Michigan help clean up debris-coatedRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 for Providers of Official Statistics

By Seth Grimes, Sponsored by Space-Time ResearchThe Importance of Official Statistics Governments collect, produce, and disseminate a huge volume and variety of data in the course of their operations. While much of this data relates to government administration — to budgeting, planning, and program performance — it is official statistics that most capture our interest.Read… Read more »

Is Twitter worth the effort for government?

Earlier this week I shared how Twitter, Inc. released its first-ever official case study on how a government agency uses the service to help in achieving agency mission. Now comes a story in UK-based The Register claiming the “UK government’s business, innovation and skills department (BIS) is currently peering into its own Web2.0 navel inRead… Read more »

CFC-Supported Groups Help EPA Attorney’s Children Thrive, Despite Cystic Fibrosis

Janet Weiner’s daughter Melissa seemed perfect at birth. With a 2 ½-year-old boy at home, things seemed to be going great. But 14 weeks later, Weiner and her family took Melissa to a friend’s christening and realized their 8-pound daughter looked like the newborns. After a series of tests, they learned Melissa had cystic fibrosis-andRead… Read more »