The Next level of employee engagement in the federal government

The US Office of Personnel Management has decided that WE will become the federal governments “test bed” for a relatively new concept called ROWE Results Only Work Environment. News story from Gov Exec ….Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry announced at a White House forum on Wednesday that he is moving 400 agency employeesRead… Read more »

Social Media for Capacity Building

From Wired to Share I’ve never been much of a technologists, but communicating about government reform using network tools has quickly translated into a certain level of thought leadership in gov new-tech circles. However, as a City of San Francisco friend reminded me over lunch today, innovation ≠ technology. My driving interest in Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

Rallying the Troops… Where’s the General? Where is Maximus?

For the longest time, one quote from the movie “Gladiator” keeps coming back to me again and again. But until recently I haven’t figured how it applies in todays environment. The quote is this, “Today I saw a slave become more powerfulthan the emperor of Rome. The gods have spared me? I am at theirRead… Read more »

“Thank You” letters

This morning I backed into a discussion about thank you or followup letters. The crew agreed they are good, and then devolved into email or snail mail? Who cares? I think we were missing the real point. I think the purpose of a followup letter is to give the recipient something they want or careRead… Read more »

Open Government is a Social Movement

I had the pleasure of spending last Friday and Saturday with a great group of doers and thought leaders at Open Gov West. I’m going to try to sum up some of my major take-aways from the Open Gov Regional Standards and Seamless Data panels and facilitated discussion. Let me just note that this panelRead… Read more »