Member of the Week – Savi Swick

I had the opportunity to speak with Savi Swick who works for the Health and Human Services Agency for the County of San Diego. She is deeply engaged in many county initiatives to better serve the community. I appreciate the time she took to discuss her role and ambitions. Thank you Savi! 1. What isRead… Read more »

What is IT “Success”?

We consistently read about IT “Failure” and how much it costs organizations each year, but how often do we actually read about IT “Success”. What is IT success? How do we know when we have achieved it? Why is it so elusive? To read the full article go to

Calling all healthy chefs… Anyone competing in Feds Get Fit?

Welcome colleagues, friends, and fellow Feds to my very FIRST blog post. Please bear with me as I tell my story… On my thirtieth birthday, I made a “to-do” list for the year, a bucket list of sorts, of activities and crazy things I have always wanted to do. There is no rhyme or reasonRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Efforts are Selfish, and Rightly Should Be

Last week at a Gov 2.0 event sponsored by Fedscoop I had great conversations with several government 2.0 rockstars. But one conversation and one statement in particular really resonated with me. Gwynne Kostin from GSA, in her brilliance, said: “Participation and collaboration are selfish activities. Most people don’t participate or collaborate without wanting to gainRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 1.

This is the second blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the first blog post here. Today I am going to cover the first part of Tip 1: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefitRead… Read more »

The New Prospecting

I was introducing myself to a local CEO when she said, “Oh, I know you, Dick. I read your blog posts. I’m a lurker.” The World Changed! First she knows what I am writing about. Second, even if she doesn’t blog (yet) she knows the blogger term “lurker,” a person who reads but doesn’t comment.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – Buy the Dip?

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk Looking for a buyable pullback The markets were on a bit of a roller coaster ride last week as we saw everything from the healthcare bill getting passed, to ongoing bailout talks for Greece, and a suspicious sinking of a South Korean naval ship, all affecting the direction ofRead… Read more »