RecoveringFed writes on Lessons Learned as a CIA Manager

(This is a repost from my blog OK…..I know…this is a cheap, manipulative title, because in fact my lessons from almost 25 years as a federal manager, almost ten of them as a member of the senior executive service, really have very little in particular to do with the CIA, even though that’s whereRead… Read more »

EGOVIS 2010: Call for Papers Deadline Extended

A call for papers, with [extended] submission deadline of 21 March 2010, 7 March 2010 has been issued for EGOVIS 2010: The International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, to be held August 30-September 3, 2010, in Bilbao, Spain, in conjunction with the DEXA 2010 conference. Papers are invited on the followingRead… Read more »

So you are a GS-Whatever; get over it

Congratulations! You landed a job with the Federal government. You are a GS-14, or a GS-12, or whatever. You may even supervise some people. You worked hard to get where you are and you are not going to let the stigma that Federal employees are the enemy get you down. But remember this- you areRead… Read more »

Plain Language Anyone?

How much attention do the various nooks and crannies within our sprawling organism called “government” pay to writing, speaking, posting, or tweeting in plain language? During the interviews that resulted in my becoming a technical writer/editor with ATF, one hiring decision maker stressed that one of my tasks would be to “show [the department] howRead… Read more »

Two Weeks to Ada Lovelace Day ’10! Sign up today!

Last year, Suw Charman-Anderson started Ada Lovelace Day so people could honor their favorite girl geek. She wasn’t going to do it unless she got 1,000 posts. She got almost 2,000. I wrote a short piece about Julie at The Webmanagers Roundtable, and later noticed she was tied with Marissa Mayer, Princess Googly, one all.Read… Read more »

I am Amver video project

Since the IMO declared 2010 the Year of the Seafarer we thought we could expand on that campaign and put together an Amver video. Amver would not be a success without the work and dedication of mariners and rescue controllers. The other part of Amver are the survivors. All of these pieces make the AmverRead… Read more »