TSP Talk – Fork in the Road

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk Breakout – Can it hold? Stocks had a rare down day on Friday after going nearly straight up for several weeks. While smaller capitalization stocks have led the way higher this year, they lagged this past week, but that is not necessarily a bad thing as the indexes haveRead… Read more »

This article is for information purposes only

I read this interesting article this morning by Gerry McGovern about some ‘protective’ (my description) thinking behind most web pages. I was wondering if you see this as true for web pages published by your government agency. One would hope that government agencies publish actionable information. Do you think this is more of a concernRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Is Obama’s government open enough?

Happy Monday! The Obama administration’s first year of efforts to improve access to government information have yielded mixed results, according to an audit of freedom of information act requests set for release on Monday. The report also found that the oldest FOIA requests date back to 1992. The report by the National Security Archive atRead… Read more »

Nat Boxer

This morning I read Nat Boxer died (on LinkedIn). He was 84, had won his Oscar, and from what I read, still boogieing on, making the world a better place. I could say he was my favorite college professor, or the only one I remember, or the one I think about a couple of timesRead… Read more »

Persuasive Networks

Words can be powerful. They influence purchases – “I’ll buy this good over that good”. “This good is better for me”. “I want that”. In government, they affect public opinion – “I am/am not for government sponsored healthcare reform”, “ I am for less taxes” “We need more roads”. This is why the industry ofRead… Read more »

Developing a Social Media Strategy

With all of the Agencies putting together their OpenGov plans due in April, I am curious as to how many have a coherent Social Media Strategy. developing-a-social-strategy-webinar is a great starting point. How do Agencies go beyond using social channels to simply push information and instead actually engage and listen to employees and the generalRead… Read more »

Data Center Consolidation Memo 02 26 10

Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative. The focus of this initiative is to: 1) Promote the use of Green IT 2) Reduce the cost of data center h/w,s/w and operations 3) Increase the overall IT security posture of the government; and 3) Shift IT investments to more efficient computing platforms and technologies… http://www.scribd.com/doc/27535844/Data-Center-Consolidation-Memo-02-26-10